Replacement PCB and extra capacitors for 74LS90 BCD Kickstarter rewards


4 in stock (can be backordered)



If you purchased the 74LS90 BCD clock on Kickstarter and haven’t put your clock together yet, this is what you need to make your clock work without any modifications. There was something very different about the propagation time or the parasitic capacitance of the 74LS90 BCD chips that I purchased to fulfill the Kickstarter campaign, and this caused a number of bugs in the clock. If you already put your clock together, then you can fix it by cutting a trace and soldering a few more parts on the bottom of the PCB. I’ll be sending the needed parts to anyone that doesn’t order this item. Do not purchase this item if you did not back the Kickstarter campaign, it won’t be of any use by itself. This is a free item. Use coupon code BCD CLOCK PCB to get free shipping.

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