We have a kit that includes everything you need except the displays to make this clock. You can find it HERE.
I believe that the Hewlett Packard 5082-7010 numerical display was the second generation of the world’s first smart numerical LED display. It’s an exceptionally beautiful chip because the logic die, LED dies, and wire bonds are neatly concealed and plainly visible under a tiny glass cover. There is one eBay seller in Poland who has a sizable stock of these displays. HERE is their listing.
If you’d like to learn more about these displays, head over to the Vintage Technology Association. They have quite a collection of these old LED displays and they are really fun to look at. HERE is their ebay store.
About the clock
Below you will find the schematic in an image format, as well as the schematic and PCB in .JSON format. The JSON’s can be imported into Easy EDA and modified to your liking or exported as a gerber exactly as they are. I do not share gerber files. Because they can’t be modified I don’t really consider them to be a way to call a project open source.
The circuit is nothing more than my standard binary coded decimal clock that is the basis for almost all of my clocks. The HP 5802-7010 uses a 4 bit, active low binary coded decimal and 5 volts to operate. The only intermediary component required is an inverter. The 74HC4049 is perfect for the job. It has 6 gates, so only 2 chips are required.

Schematic and PCB Files:
To open these files, simply download them to your local drive. Then head over to Easy EDA. In Easay EDA, click File > import > EasyEDA and select the appropriate file on your local drive.
Updated with USB-C and corrected blinking decimal bug
There was a bug in the previous design that caused the seconds to not advance. I ditched the blinking decimal point and the problem is fixed! I also added a 12/24 Hour switch and a USB-C connector.