Coming Soon to the Bolt Industries Store! Successfully funded on Kickstarter.
The 74LS90 Binary Coded Decimal Clock is a binary clock in it’s purest form. You won’t find any micro controllers in this circuit. The clock is built using 4000 and 7400 Series digital logic chips, and it keeps the time by counting the ripples from a 32.768Khz quartz crystal oscillator. The time is displayed as a 6 digit binary coded decimal using 5mm LED’s. At the heart of this clock is the 74LS90 Binary Coded Decimal counter IC. These neat little chips count to ten in binary, and start over at zero. The ten’s digits on a clock stop at 6, so three AND gate chips reset the count at 12, or 60 and advance the next digit.
Available as an easy to assemble soldering kit. Here’s what you’ll get:
Open Source design files:
These are the .JSON files that can be imported int Easy EDA so you can modify them to your liking. I do not like to share Gerber files for something that is supposed to be open sourced because they can not be modified. You can import the JSON into Easy EDA and export your own Gerber.